
maneesh dhauni 



Smartcars Camera within their headlight and tail lights.

Smartcars Camera within their headlight and tail lights.  

Current discussion is about where to place the camera in car, which is easily wired, give better viewing angle and also camera remains safe for long duration.

Camera should be placed within headlights and tail lights, total four cameras.  Advantages of placing camera within headlight, taillights are many.

  1. Camera gets wiring easily. Additional to headlight and tail light, one more wiring to be done for camera.
  2. Two cameras at two front headlight, two camera at two tail lights gives 3 dimensional views. Better clarity. This is helpful while parking a car, slow moving traffics while moving forward and also to give better blind view while taking turn. This prevents almost all damages caused due to improper vision of driver.
  3. As Camera is within headlights and taillights, it remains protected from intruder, animals, rains, dusts and other damages.
  4. Side view mirror is not required, as these camera are sufficient. This shall prove cost saving for car makers during making cars and also during lifecycle management of cars for car owners.
  5.  Insurance company save lot of the money, as many car accidents are prevented due to better visibility to driver.
  6. These camera can be connected through internet, to keep watch in the car. Owner can see the car area as and when required in the mobile phone. 

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