
maneesh dhauni 



Maneesh Dhauni Periodic Table Chapter IX b: Helium chemical properties explanation.

Maneesh Dhauni Periodic Table Chapter IX b: Helium chemical properties explanation.

Further to formation of Helium, Maneesh Dhauni periodic table do not stop here. Its explains hidden secret of chemistry till date, which Modern periodic table cannot explain.

The nucleus behaviour of Proton is copied by electron.

Helium is stable with two electrons in S orbital.

Modern Periodic table only explain that Helium is with two electrons in S orbital and stable. Modern periodic stable fails to explain why all inert gas atoms are stable with 8 electron but Helium is stable with only 2 electrons.

Maneesh Dhauni periodic table very explain why Helium is stable with two electron. As Helium proton occupy lower energy state bonding nuclear orbital with low energy, electrons copy path of proton and hence remain as stable.

Helium have two Meta stable states for electron excitation.

Helium have two Meta stable states for electron excitation. As per Modern periodic stable, Helium have only 1S orbital. Helium do not have other orbital and hence, Modern periodic stable fails explain where two meta stables is available for Helium.

Maneesh Dhauni periodic explain that there is

  1. neutron orbital
  2. and anti-bonding orbital state

Available for electron to occupy after excitation.

Hence, Helium have two excitation states.

Hydrogen molecule and helium atom similarity.


Modern periodic table fails to explain similarity of Hydrogen molecule and Helium atom.


Maneesh Dhauni periodic table explain similarity of Hydrogen molecule and Helium atom as follows:

  1. Hydrogen molecular orbital formation is similar to Helium atom nuclear formation. Hence Hydrogen molecule behave similar to Helium and remain stable in normal condition.
  2. Boiling point of Hydrogen -252.9 °C and Helium is -268.9 °C.



Summary of above discussion:

Chemistry observed facts to be explained

Modern period table

Maneesh Dhauni periodic table

Helium is stable with two electrons in S orbital.


Fails to explain.

Yes explains with reason.

Helium have two Meta stable states for electron excitation.


Fails to explain.

Yes explains with reason.

Hydrogen is copy of Helium and hence stable.


Fails to explain.

Yes explains with reason.


From the above, Maneesh Dhauni Periodic table is better than Modern periodic table and future of chemistry. 

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