
maneesh dhauni 



Maneesh Dhauni periodic table and scientific evidence of “why hard work succeed every time?”.

Maneesh  Dhauni periodic table and scientific evidence of “why hard work succeed every time?”.

Work is define as change caused by applied force. Hard work is continuous force applied by any individual to get desired result. Unknowingly, same individual make rapport with surrounding. Hard work thus involves consistently applying force and bearing pain of body, mental or emotional in doing so.

Maneesh Dhauni periodic table says universe origin of frame is continuously changing.

As the system is changing continuously, individual working hard needs to change the focus and change the goal of working hard. In simple language, adapt to the surrounding and keep working.

This can be tabulated as follows:


Universe Frame 1

Universe Frame 2

Universe Frame 3


France n


Working hard


Work 2

Fruit 1

Work 3

Fruit2+ Fruit 1




Individual seldom work hard but stole others






People not working hard are those not making rapport with surrounding. These are many criminals who make one time profit in life. But soon, loose the admiration, as they are not adapting to changing frame. Note that adaption to changing frame is only possible with working, wherein you impact not only surroundings but also your own genetic mode. 

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